March 21st - 23rd
The PCI Race Radios Prospector 250 - East Course
Pre-Registration List
Registration and Sign-Up
GSP Downloads
(Coming Soon!)
Thursday March 20th
19:00 Pre-Race Party - The Cellar Bar Dini's Casino Main Street Yerington
Friday March 21st
Main pit location: Cemetery Lane Yerington NV. Follow Course markers to top of the hill. 38.965798, -119.133723
Track is closed for all pre-running. This is a closed course on BLM land for race weekend only. To pre-run you must take part in the poker run.
Qualifying is limited to pro classes only- Class UT, 1, 6100, 10, Group-T, 4400, Pro turbo UTV, & Pro N/A UTV, Pro stock 2, and Pro N/A UTV. Qualifying results will result in an overall start position. If you choose not to qualify, you will start in the normal class starting order- following all those who complete the qualifying loop. To comply with BLM regulations, there is a $100.00 entry to qualify. Overall Fast time wins $300 for trucks/buggy and $300 for UTV’s.
Qualifying line up will be based on the 2024 overall points results. The qualifying course is 3.5 miles long. Cars will start in 1-minute intervals. If you choose not to Qualify, you will start behind ALL qualifiers, in the normal line up.
Course will run clockwise this year
08:00 – 10:00 Youth classes Tech and Registration. Poler run and Qualifying registration,
sign up online to save time! – VORRA Trailer
10:00 Youth and Qualifying drivers meeting
10:15 Youth Staging
10:30 Youth races 30-minute race on Qualifying course Est. 3 miles long
11:00 Qualifying Staging
11:15 Qualifying Starts
12:30 Poker run drivers meeting
11:00 Qualifying Starts
12:30 Poker run drivers meeting
13:00 Poker Run Begins
14:00 No vehicle to leave start line on Poker Run
Poker Run-pre run, $25 entry per vehicle, receives 1 hand (card). $100.00 for all non VORRA members. All drivers and riders must sign a liability waiver. Prizes will be given for best hands.
Additional cards $25. Max two cards per person.
All participants will start in groups.
Group 1 - 13:00 pm Race cars and trucks
Group 2 - 13:15 pm UTV's
Group 3 - 13:30 pm Pre-runners - Handlebars
Group 4 - 13:45 pm Stock Vehicles
All participants in non-street registered vehicles must wear a helmet. NO exceptions.
There is a 35mph speed limit. There is no passing. There is no stopping. You may be held at a checkpoint to give a larger gap. Unless having a technical or mechanical issue you must not stop. This is about safety. Stay out of the dust. Learn the course!
1st card drawn at the start line, 2nd card drawn at Check point 1, 3rd card drawn at visual A, 4th card drawn at check point 3/pro pit. 5th card drawn at Sinclair gas station. 6th and final card drawn at Dini's Casino at the Cellar Bar.
14:00 - 19:00 Tech to be held on Main Street in front of Dini’s casino, Registration inside of Dini’s at the Cellar Bar. Tech will run from south to north this year. Enter tech via Van Ness St.
New this year; you will register 1st, receive your packet, including your tech sheet and then proceed to Tech.
19:30 Mandatory Drivers Meeting. Yerington Convention Center. Between Dinis and Pioneer Crossing.
20:30 Parade down Main Street and back to pits, race cars will beed lights!
Saturday March 22nd
Race schedule could change depending on entries. Decision will be made Sunday before race. If there are less than 60 entries we will have one race.
07:30 Staging all vehicles
08:00 Race Starts
16:00 Plus Start time, No vehicle to leave start line
17:00 Plus start time, race over for all vehicles
Pro Trucks/Buggy’s/Pro UTV 6-39-mile laps, 7-hour time limit
½ 1600 6 laps
Stock Pro UTV 6 laps
Sportsman UTV 6 laps
Class 9/11 5 laps
Vintage, Group T Lite 5 laps
Sportsman Buggy and 1450 4 laps
Sunday March 23rd
10:00 Awards presentation location Yerington Convention Center